How to define your Personality

Hey…. My lovelies
I am so sorry that I haven't been uploaded lately because I am battleing with my career working life. My moods and feelings are changed everyday according to my experiences of my work life. And it brings today blog topic that I would like to share with you how to DEFINE your PERSONALITY.
Based on my nature and my personalities, I can accept challenges of works and carried it on my own. And I want all of you to know who you are and by know that you can easily control yourself toward success.
Here are some steps ….
Focus on your personalty.
Personality is the sum of all characteristics that make a person, you, unique. Another way of thinking of it is personality is like a puzzle, its made up of many pieces. Its natural to have many different kinds of emotions on different subjects.

Figure out your Personality Traits:
Extroverts - people who like to be around people and communicate with them. Introverts - people who like to be alone most often, and are energized from spending time alone.

Know your Self concept.
Self concept is how you see yourself, your opinion of yourself and the way you see yourself. On the outside AND inside. Its like having your own Motto.

Building Self-esteem.
Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. Building self-esteem: -except yourself -forgive yourself -learn a new skill -reach out to others -be positive -be assertive NOT aggressive.

  • No matter what type of personality you have, you should always try to improve your self-esteem.

Thank you so much for reading my lovelies,
Good LUCK ^_^


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  2. Hi Ma Phyo Pa, I like all of your posts in this blog as well as on facebook page. Please be active because I wanna read your posts everyday. Love you.


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