About Me

Ordinary Girl, Minimalist, Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger based in Yangon Myanmar.
I love to read, write & talk & daily blogging is my thing.

Now I am working with international beauty brands ā€“ Loreal, Maybelline, Revlon, INNI, Catrice, Essence, Crazy Rumor and else where like local beauty merchandising.

Most of my contents are feauture in Momolay Apps, Focus Youth E-Magazine, MyanmarZwe Man News & Entertainment Website and some local print media feature my contents occasionally. 

I do create contents about mostly ā€œBeautyā€ but but you can also see me posting about Fashion, Lifestyle & Everything else in-between. I like to collaborate with Brands and creating new and exciting Contents for my readers. As you can see, I work alone and I am pretty consistent with my blog postings.

let's keep in touch ...


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