Wattpad App ~ Technology Recommendation

Hello, beautiful people of the internet
Today, I would like to share with you a great app and website for my friends who are really into reading, writing and share your poetic mind on the internet.
I already know that this post is so appropriate because I have a lot of friends who are really into reading and writing. Plus, as I am studying English Language on reading skill, for me personally, this site become essential for my everyday life.

Discover more

Wattpad is a writing community and in which all the users are able to post articles, stories, fan fiction, and poems about anything either online or through the Wattpad app. For getting this application and for reading ebooks from Wattpad, you guys don't need to pay but just credit. There are also a community of readers and writers to join so I am so sure everybody will love this. Everybody is sharing their personality and their favorites and also check out my profile to know what I have been loving.

Visit Wattpad site : www.wattpad.com/phyopapaaung
Get Wattpad app : www.wattpad.com/getmobile

Wattpad community

Reading Page

The content includes works by undiscovered writers, published writers, new writers, or people just looking for somewhere to write all their ideas down. Users are able to comment and like stories or join groups associated with the website.
Around half of the users are U.S. based; other users come from the U.K., Canada, the Philippines, Australia, United Arab Emirates and other countries.

If you are really interested in the History and origin of Wattpad, click the link down below.

Well, thank you so much &
"Happy Reading guys"


  1. Thank you for the useful information. Share more updates.
    English Fluency

  2. We collect them from various sources, in the 'public domain'. If you feel that one of the images or content is yours, and you do not want it to be shadow fight 2 modon our website, let us know and we'll remove it.

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